Links With William Barnes

William Barnes Primary School and Stepping Stones Preschool both share the same site. This enables staff from both settings to meet regularly to discuss best practice in early years education.

Here is a list of ways in which the preschool and the primary liaise and work together.

  • regular planning meetings between Stepping Stones staff and the reception class teachers
  • shared use of swimming pool and school grounds
  • preschool come as an audience for the dress rehearsal of the Christmas KS1 production
  • preschool come as an audience for dress rehearsal of the Summer KS2 production
  • regular strategy meetings between the preschool leader Val Cuff and William Barnes’ headteacher Karen Wrixon
  • preschool join the main school for services at St Mary’s church from time to time

Parents often worry about the move from preschool to the beginning of a child’s formal education in a reception class.  This time can be very unsettling for a child and their parent/carers.  At Stepping Stones , special ‘Rising Five’ sessions begin in the Autumn term, with the children visiting the reception class from the Summer half term . This ensures that this transition occurs as gently and smoothly as possible for the youngsters about to join the main school.  Children from the preschool are brought over for the afternoon each Wednesday, and spend time learning in the main school’s reception classroom.  They have a chance to have a run around on the KS1 playground and take part in activities jointly planned and delivered by the Stepping Stones and Reception class’s staff.  The preschool are also invited to dress rehearsals for KS1 and KS2 productions at Christmas and the end of term respectively, all helping to ensure that their transition to full time education is as friction-less as possible.

We have been the major feeder pre school into William Barnes Primary School for many years. We also work with local child minders providing joint care for some children enhancing their transitions into school. Having a new extension has meant that we have flexibility to accept children who move into the area during term time and can give them the same support for transitions. We join the school children for plays, church carol services and for some of the school visitors forming those strong links to school.